As an award-winning Clarins Gold Salon, this is the perfect place to relax and unwind from the stresses and worries of everyday life.
Please call us on 01475 888055 to book an appointment.
We look forward to making you look and feel great! xx
A Special Message From
Ardgowan Health & Beauty Salon Owner
Hi Everybody
As some of you will have seen on facebook recently, I am preparing to sell my lovely salon after working in the industry for almost 40 years . I feel the time has arrived for me to slow down a little and let someone else continue growing and developing Ardgowan Health & Beauty.
I have to stress the salon is NOT closing down and myself and my fabulous team will continue to look after you and all your beauty needs for the foreseeable future.
Thank You for all your continued custom & support
Love Pam xx
March Offer
Check back soon for new offers!
Phone 01475 888055 to book
Or message us on Facebook or
send us an email
F.M. 2019
K.M. 2019
31a Brisbane Street, Greenock PA16 8LL